I received a call the other day from a woman who had watched ECF’s Post-Abortion Outreach video announcing The Road That Takes Me Home CD project. This project is designed to connect women who have abortion in their past to pregnancy counseling services especially geared toward post-abortive women. She shared with me her surprise at the effect it had on her.
This woman had her abortion at the age of 19, and now, 41 years later, after watching the presentation, realized that her multiple marriages and subsequent divorces, her addiction to her career, and her inability to trust men, all stemmed from that fateful decision of her youth. The music had touched a part of her that had been deeply buried, and she shared her renewed desire to finally get right with God on this devastating event of her past. What was especially rewarding was to hear her express the resolve to remain silent no longer about her abortion, but to be a witness to the negative, long-term effects it has had on her life. I was speaking to a woman who had received the gift of hope.
There are women and men, just like this individual, who need to deal with this sin of their past. The Road That Takes Me Home is a way to present this need to them in by means of an excellent music recording, and direct them to ministries that can provide the help and healing they desire.
Please share our site, www.TheRoadThatTakesMeHome.com and ECF’s Outreach Video so that we can connect to those who need to hear this message of hope and forgiveness.
Please, also, consider a donation so that you can have your own copy of the CD (or acquire the download) as our thank-you gift, and to share with others. Our goal is to fund this outreach project with donations from those who appreciate the music and are behind our mission.