The Day Will Come

The day will come when I’ll be free

From sorrow, pain, and misery.

My eyes shall no more she a tear.

A heart I’ll have that won’t know fear.


There will be no need to repent;

In shame I’ll-never hang my head.

Temptation will not visit me,

For with the Lord, I’ll ever be.


The day will come when my abode

Shall be with Christ, as God  foretold.

O, for this my body groans

To dwell within my heavenly home.


I am a stranger on this earth

And all I own has no-real worth.

My treasure is in heaven stored,

With all my heart, I’ll  serve the Lord.


The day will come, O glorious day

When I’ll pass through those pearled gates.

My feet will walk on streets of gold.

God’s glorious Light I will behold. (Repeat)

Copyright 2010 Andy Unzen
Used with permission